Using Traffic Conflict Method in Evaluating Traffic Safety at the Reconstructed Intersection

  • Zdravko Bukljaš
  • Ivana Čuljak
  • Goran Zovak
Keywords: traffic accident, traffic conflict method, intersection


As part of organised social system, traffic is subjected togeneral social tendency towards adequate safety and sustainabilityof relations in such a system, probabilistically marked bythe risk of danger. Inte1polation of subjective factor facilitatesthe occwTence of negative phenomena. Road traffic system ischaracterised by extremely massive participation in traffic, contributingthus to a greater possibility of negative features characteristicfor imperfect human mechanism. This is precisely thereason why this paper deals with the problem of traffic safety onthe concrete example of the intersection between the SavskaStreet and the Slavonska and LjubljanskaAvenues over the periodof time prior to constmcting the new unde1pass solution,and the period of time immediately after the construction workswere completed. The used data have been provided by the TrafficPolice Department - Lucko.


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How to Cite
Bukljaš Z, Čuljak I, Zovak G. Using Traffic Conflict Method in Evaluating Traffic Safety at the Reconstructed Intersection. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];14(3):135-9. Available from:
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