Analysis of Reconstruction of a Dangerous Spot at 390 km of A3 Motorway Zagreb- Lipovac

  • Goran Zovak
  • Goran Beraković
  • Ivica Ostrun
Keywords: traffic, accident, reconstruction, safety


Traffic accidents in road traffic are becoming an increasingproblem regardless of whether there is only material damage orserious injuries and fatalities. There are various causes resultingin traffic accidents, and this paper describes the reconstructionwork on a section of the motorway in order to improve thetraffic safety. Also, the results of the given reconstruction havebeen analysed.


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How to Cite
Zovak G, Beraković G, Ostrun I. Analysis of Reconstruction of a Dangerous Spot at 390 km of A3 Motorway Zagreb- Lipovac. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];16(6):343-6. Available from:
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