Influence of Lateral Vehicle Acceleration on Distribution of Braking Forces as Causes of Traffic Accidents

  • Jerko Radoš
  • Zdravko Bukljaš
  • Branko Peh


Considering previous calculation of vehicle speeds negotiatingcwvcs, in this paper we are trying to define and detenninelateral accelerations which occur when a vehicle negotiates acun1e. We have also analysed how the speed of negotiating acwve influences the braking force, which is in many traffic accidentsthe cause of the accident, if the braking system is not adjustedto the speed (and vice versa).


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How to Cite
Radoš J, Bukljaš Z, Peh B. Influence of Lateral Vehicle Acceleration on Distribution of Braking Forces as Causes of Traffic Accidents. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.9];10(5-6):243-9. Available from:
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