Technical and Technological Forms of Transportation Means in 21st Century Europe ...

  • Zdravko Bukljaš
Keywords: vehicle quality, vehicle safety, vehicle plice, transporlation p1ice


The paper starts by dealing with the development tendenciesof modem road vehicles and their characteristics. The emphasisis on the issues of reducing environmental pollution,conventional fuel consumption, and of reducing traffic injuries,at the same time increasing riding comforl, vehicles quality,easier and better vehicle maintenance, and lower cost of vehiclesand their maintenance.The second parl deals with the railway vehicles and theircharacteristics which are to be developed in the future. Attentionis paid to the possibilities of technical improvements regardingengine, propulsion technique, braking methods, casedesign and energy transmissionSome conceptual solutions are given that should be implememedin the future, as well as solutions that have been recentlyimplemented and represent useful technical improvements.


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How to Cite
Bukljaš Z. Technical and Technological Forms of Transportation Means in 21st Century Europe . Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.14];11(2-3):163-71. Available from:
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