Enhancing Virtual Mobility Using 3G Wireless Systems

  • Ivan Bošnjak
  • Branimir Jerneić
  • Matej Derstvenšek


Using generalised systems methodology, the paper considersthe approach to effective fu net ion a I integra I ion of Ira nsportand telecommunications technology in solving mobility problems.Basic functions and structure of third generation of wirelesssystems (3G) are evaluated from the aspects of traffic technology.The paper elaborates how increased accessibility andreliable broadband capabilities of 3G systems combined withInternet application can improve the existing teletraffic technologies.EvolutionG/y network migration to 3G networks hasbeen suggested as an effective strategic choice for mobile operators


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How to Cite
Bošnjak I, Jerneić B, Derstvenšek M. Enhancing Virtual Mobility Using 3G Wireless Systems. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];13(6):395-9. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1078
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