Menedžersko-financijski instrumenti telekomunikacijske ekspanzije

  • Ivan Bošnjak


By traditional approach and financing models the national telecommunications operator’s list growth rates of typical 3% up to maximum 6% annually. Innovative/business inspected approach and bridging of the existing managerial financial 'gap' it is possible to reach the growth rates of 7-12%. With support of telecommunication policy, more liberal regulations and structured financial infrastructure, telecommunications expansion can mark the rate in the order of 15-20%. · The countries of Eastern Europe have respective requirements and demand for expansion. Some of them take adequate steps towards the introduction of adequate legal/ political regulations and managerial/financial training of telecommunications operators for the materialization of the set-up objectives.


I. BOSNJAK: Nova ekonomska regulacija tehničko-tehnoloških sustava. Promet, 4,4, 125-129.

CEC (1987), Green Paper.

Foreword to Telecommunications for Europe 1992. CEC Sources, Vol. 2, Amsterdam, 1991.

On competition in the markets for tel. services. 90/387 /EEC, June 1990.

On the establishment of the internal market for telecoms services through the implementation of open network provision. 90/387/EEC, June 1990.

The World Bank, ITU: Implementing Reforms in the Telecommunications Sector, Washington, F. C. , 1991.

How to Cite
Bošnjak I. Menedžersko-financijski instrumenti telekomunikacijske ekspanzije. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];5(2):59-2. Available from:
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