Generic Traffic Descriptors in Managing Service Quality in BISDN/ATM Network

  • Ivan Bošnjak
  • Tomislav Kljak
  • Štefica Mrvelj
Keywords: traffic, teletraffic theory, BISDN/ATM, network service, quality


Traffic models for multiservice broadband networks differsignificantly regarding simple analytic models applicable intelephone traffic and circuit-switch network. The paper presentsa clear analysis of standardised traffic descriptors andquality parameters of the main services in BISDNIATM. Trafficdescriptors have been associated with the basic values andconcepts developed within generic traffic theory. Part systematisationof traffic parameters has been performed as basis for formalisedgeneralised description of parameters and effectivequality management of A TM services.


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How to Cite
Bošnjak I, Kljak T, Mrvelj Štefica. Generic Traffic Descriptors in Managing Service Quality in BISDN/ATM Network. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Dec.22];14(2):79-3. Available from:
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