Strategy of Environmental Protection in the Traffic and Tourist Flows

  • Teodor Perić


A whole range of dangerous substances and harmful organicand inorganic materials are transported daily through thesystem of traffic and tourist environment and flows. The use ofthese substances covers a wide range: in the production ofdrugs, agrotechnical protective means, fertilisers, paint and varnish,po(vmers, detergents, fuel, and in other industries.Within the strategy of environmental protection and thetourist and traffic surrounding, the producers and traffic societiestake relatively good care about the so-called technologicalsafety during the production, handling and transport of thedangerous substances.According to the legislation, the obligations accepted fromthe Base{ Convention, and conclusions of the United NationsConference on Environment and Development (UNCED) etc.,the elimination of the harmful ma ller and waste from the Croatianecological environment has a strategic objective, althoughthe necesswy protective measures have not been unde1takenand organised completely yet, just as the knowledge in case ofmajor accidents with dangerous material has not been acquiredyet.In the transport environment and the tourist flows it is necessaryto strengthen the control of selection, development andintroduction of the technologies that include dangerous substances.On the other hand, the technologies that represent anexcessively big risk regarding accidents, with the possibility ofendangering the inhabitants, goods and eco-environment,should be strongly opposed to.


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How to Cite
Perić T. Strategy of Environmental Protection in the Traffic and Tourist Flows. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Jan.23];10(5-6):265-72. Available from:
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