Organisation of Suburban and Urban Railway Traffic in the Krapina-Zagorje County and the City of Zagreb

  • Alojz Brkić
  • Ivan Švaljek
  • Vinko Jenić
Keywords: Krapina-Zagorje county, passenger railway transport, railway infrastructure, reconstruction, modernisation


Numerous inhabitants of the Krapina-Zag01je county fulfiltheir needs (work, education, trade) in the City of Zagreb. Themain passenger streams are related to railway transportationwhich, due to insufficient investments in the infrastructure andtransportation means, shows decrease in the service quality. Amodel is proposed for organising suburban and urban railwaytransp011ation in the Krapina-Zag01je county and the City ofZagreb, which would offer better quality in transportation services,increase economic efficiency of railway transp01tation,and thus eliminate the 1isk of having to close down cerlain railroadsin the county.


Project of the model of organising passenger transp01t in

the Krapina-Zagorje county. Prometni institut Zagreb,

Zagreb, May 1996

Long-te1m ZTP - Zagreb development program for the

time pe1iod until 2000. Centar za razvoj, ZTP, Zagreb,

Work group. Study of the social and economic suitability

and justification of founding the 'Gradske i eljeznice'

group (Eng: Urban railways), Zagreb, April, 1998

J. Bozicevic, Stanje 1 buducnost Hrvatskih i eljeznica.

Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, November 1992.

How to Cite
Brkić A, Švaljek I, Jenić V. Organisation of Suburban and Urban Railway Traffic in the Krapina-Zagorje County and the City of Zagreb. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.19];11(4):239-45. Available from:
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