Wireless Image Applications and Formats for Image Processing in the Field of Transport

  • Dražen Kovačević
  • Slobodan Kaštela
  • Alojz Brkić
Keywords: image processing format, image applications, JPEG 2000, Bluetooth, Internet


The work deals with the third generation of image processingse1vices including multimedia service of messaging. Adaptationof digital images on the Internet depends on factors suchas the number of Internet users, processing capacities and thebandwidth. In the context of mobile Internet, sending of imagesis still being developed. As the number of se1vices and users isgrowing, as well as the demands for image applications, this iscompared to the development of image applications in ftxedInternet.



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How to Cite
Kovačević D, Kaštela S, Brkić A. Wireless Image Applications and Formats for Image Processing in the Field of Transport. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.9];14(3):141-7. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/860
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