Problem of Information Security Traffic on Internet

  • Slavko Šarić
  • Dragan Peraković
  • Danijel Bara


Internet information traffic becomes greater and moreimportant. With increasing growth of information importancerequirement for its security becomes indispensable. Theinformation security problem especially affect large and smallcompanies whose prosperity is depending on Internet presence.This affecting the three areas of Internet commerce: credit cardtransactions, virtual private networks and digital certification.To ensure information traffic it is necessary to find a solution,in a proper way, for three major problems: frontier problem,market problem and government problem. While the eventualemergence of security standards for Internet transactions isexpected, it will not automatically result in secure Internettransactions. In future, there is a wealth of security issues thatwill continue to require attention: internal security, continuedhacking, social engineering, malicious code, reliability andperformance, skills shortages and denial of se1vice attacks.


NCSA Firewall Policy Guide,

Infosecurity News, Jan/Feb 1996, v7 n1, p.24.

Network Wizards, Internet Domain Survey, July 1995,

Steve Higgins, PC Week, Feb 8, 1993, vlO n5, pl.

For extensive libraries on ITAR see:, plus,

Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition,

John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

Matt Blaze, Wbitfield, Ronald L. Rivest, Bruce

Schneier, Tsutomu Shimomura, Eric Thompson, Michael

Wiener, Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers

to Provide Adequate Commercial Security, A Report

by an Ad Hoc Group of Cryptographers and Computer

Scientists, January 1996,

NCSA NEWS, March, 1996.

How to Cite
Šarić S, Peraković D, Bara D. Problem of Information Security Traffic on Internet. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.6];10(1-2):61-6. Available from:
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