Suvremeni trendovi razvoja telekomunikacija

  • Miroslav Mikula
  • Slavko Šarić


The paper deals with modem telecommunications development trends. The authors first provide a review of major factors of impact upon this development (telecommunications users' needs, changes on the market of telecommunications services, and advancement of the telecommunications technology). In conclusion the paper lists some basic references of the future development of the telecommunications network in general and of the terminal equipment or facilities of this network in particular.


Z. VEBER: Razvoj transmisijskih sustava prema sinkronoj digitalnoj hijerarhiji. NT revija, 1992, 4.

J. ASH: Kommunikationsnetze der Zukunft. Telcom report, 1992, 15.

H. BAUR: Telekommunikationsmarkt im Wandel. Telcom re• port, 1994, 17.

How to Cite
Mikula M, Šarić S. Suvremeni trendovi razvoja telekomunikacija. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.9];6(6):151-3. Available from:
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