Development and Application of Videoconferencing Systems

  • Arijana Macura
  • Dragan Peraković
Keywords: videoconference, ISDN, video signal, interactive classroom, types of videoconferences


Videoconferencing is the best-known form of teleconferencing.It allows concwrent transmission of images and soundvia computer network for the communication of several personsphysically distant in real time. The computers are networkedand additionally equipped with camera, microphone,voice and video card, and adequate programmes. Video signalsare digitized and compressed before network transmission. Studentsand lecturers may lead discussions and exchange documentsand other malelials via the computer.


MPEG- 4 Video Verification Model Version 18.0, ISO/

!IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N3908, Pisa, January 2001.

W. Li, Overview of Fine Granularity Sea/ability in MPEG

- 4 Video Standard, IEEE Transactions in Circuits and

Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 11, No. 3, March

, pp. 301 - 317

MPEG Requirements Group, MPEG- 4Applications,

Document ISO!IEC, JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG 99/

/N2724, Seoul MPEG Meeting, March 1999.

http://www. carnet. hr

How to Cite
Macura A, Peraković D. Development and Application of Videoconferencing Systems. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];17(2):121-7. Available from:
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