Croatian Airports as Potential European Flight Crew Training Centres

  • Tomislav Gradišar
  • Sanja Steiner
  • Stanislav Pavlin
Keywords: flight crew training centers, Croatian airpots, development of infrastructure, climate


The paper deals with the possibilities of offering Croatianailports as potential flight crew training centres on the Europeanmarket of se!Vices. With her available ai1port capacities,mainly those located on the Adriatic coast, Croatia has significantadvantages compared to other countries of Westem andCentral Europe. The most important condition for establishinga specialised training centre for the European market is the harmonisationof the national aviation regulations i.e. the implementationof global and European standards of flight crewtraining, as well as conditions that have to be met by a specialisedtraining centre from the aspect of the necessary infrastructure.The study has evaluated the potential airports of Rijeka,Pula and Losinj, acc01ding to the basic criteria of their geo-Lraffic location, infrastructure resources (technical elements ofrunway, navigation equipment, abport se1vices), availability ofspecial equipment for flight crew training on the ground and inthe ail; as well as climate conditions.


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How to Cite
Gradišar T, Steiner S, Pavlin S. Croatian Airports as Potential European Flight Crew Training Centres. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];12(1):29-6. Available from:
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