Safety Management System in Croatia Control Ltd.

  • Stanislav Pavlin
  • Vedran Sorić
  • Dragan Bilać
  • Igor Dimnik
  • Daniel Galić


International Civil Aviation Organization and other international aviation organizations regulate the safety in civil aviation. In the recent years the International Civil Aviation Organization has introduced the concept of the safety management system through several documents among which the most important is the 2006 Safety Management Manual. It treats the safety management system in all the segments of civil aviation, from carriers, aerodromes and air traffic control to design, construction and maintenance of aircraft, aerodromes, those who produce instruments, equipment and parts for the needs of civil aviation and others. This paper presents and partly deals with the documents from the safety management system domain and the system implementation in Croatia with special focus on the Croatia air navigation service provider, Croatia Control Ltd. KEY WORDS: safety management system, safety, air traffic control
How to Cite
Pavlin S, Sorić V, Bilać D, Dimnik I, Galić D. Safety Management System in Croatia Control Ltd. Promet [Internet]. 2012Mar.2 [cited 2025Mar.9];21(4):279-84. Available from:

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