Sigurnosni aspekt funkcioniranja u uvjetima deregulacije zračnog prometa

  • Sanja Steiner


The paper deals with the meaning and function of the forthcoming deregulation and security aspected problems in this respect, providing respective statistical data for the past two decades on accidents and casualties. The author furnishes the projections on operation in conditions of deregulation, and lists some innovations in the field of security and precaution measures. The author pleads for the following of technical minimums of equipment (means) and procedures of control at airports as recommended by the international Air Transport Association.

How to Cite
Steiner S. Sigurnosni aspekt funkcioniranja u uvjetima deregulacije zračnog prometa. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];2(5-6):447-52. Available from:
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