Study of Parameters that Determine Railway Line Capacity

  • Josip Kukec
  • Tomislav Josip Mlinarić
  • Mirko Čičak
Keywords: railway line, throughput capacity, study of parameters


In this work the study focuses on:- determining the elements required to determine the locationfor the installation of the main signals,- calculated block lengths, and- calculations of optimal head ways, that have not been studiedin detail although they deserve special attention due totheir impact.Generally speaking, the signals are installed in compliancewith the local circumstances, i. e. according to the technicaland technological characteristics and conditions determinedby the traffic places of work they protect.The distribution and length of the blocks depend on: therailway line and its exploitation characteristics, structure andtype of trains that run on the railway line, traffic organisationand signalisation system, as well as technical and exploitationcharacte1istics of the traction vehicles and the rolling stock.What has to be considered is that the minimum section lengthcannot be shorter than the length of the braking distance, i. e.the length of the longest train which runs on the respective railwayline.The study of these parameters is supplemented by the calculationof the reduction in throughput capacity depending on thelack of uniformity in the operation of trains, which, in order tomaintain the design quality of the transportation se1vice, and inthe activities of establishing and implementing the business policyshouldn't be left out nor bypassed.


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How to Cite
Kukec J, Mlinarić TJ, Čičak M. Study of Parameters that Determine Railway Line Capacity. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Jan.15];17(4):195-04. Available from:
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