Informatizacija procesa rada željeznice

  • Diana Starešinčić
  • Josip Kukec


The presented material on the informatization of the railways operation process discusses its requirement (or necessity) of defining logical technical and technological whose lending themselves to informization. Besides, the suggested proposal is aimed at the resolution of the basic issues of management and control of a company by precisely delineating or separating the operational from the tactical and strategic management and administration. A special review is dedicated to the information science aspect end completion of timetables. In the proposal of the subject solution a re-assignment has been completed of the existing institution of the department in charge of time-tables which in addition to the annual operation schedules have to issue daily schedules thus relieving the work load of the operational (executive) department, precisely defining the work plans for the work period, i.e. work situations. The proposed approach to the informatization is an unavoidable requirement i.e. prerequisite for the integration Jo the railways into the European demand and trends of future development and advancement improvement of operations.


G. A. MUDRICK, E. J. ROSS: Introduction to Management Information Systems. Prentice Hall, 1977.

D. STAREŠINĆIĆ, J. KUKEC: Idejno rješenje informatičke izrade voznog reda. HŽP, 1990.

Grupa autora: Programski zadatak za planiranje i praćenje tehnološko-organizacijskih parametara procesa prevoza potrebnih u izradi realnog voznog reda HZP. 1990.

How to Cite
Starešinčić D, Kukec J. Informatizacija procesa rada željeznice. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];3(6):261-7. Available from:
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