Systemic Approach to Traffic Evaluation of Mostar Airport

  • Eldo Raguž
  • Daniel Galić
  • Tomislav Kralj
Keywords: Mostar Airport, airport traffic capacity, harmonization of traffic processes, traffic capacity simulation


The attempt of this work is to systematically find solutionsfor Mostar Airport development through technical and technologicalharmonization of traffic processes undertaken in twoseparate organizations - airport and air traffic control and coordinationbetween other traffic branches. The work uses theindicators of traffic flows and tourist trends in the region, andtogether with the mentioned simulations it attempts to evaluatethe traffic potentials in the region by affecting the change in thecurrent negative traffic flows at Mostar Airport.


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How to Cite
Raguž E, Galić D, Kralj T. Systemic Approach to Traffic Evaluation of Mostar Airport. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];17(6):311-7. Available from:
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