Traffic and Planning Aspects of Public Urban Transport

  • Vladimir Marić
  • Zvonko Kavran
  • Dražen Kovačević
Keywords: urban transit, traffic planning


Public urban transit system is of special significance in thetraffic and economic system of big cities. Continuous laggingbehind of the public transit system development compared tothe city development can be noticed as a consequence of thetraffic policy and the fascination by the passenger cars. Plannedorientation of the urban traffic systems is of a recent date. Thispaper tends to give incentive to the need for a more complex urbanplanning and planning of traffic in a unique multidisciplinaryprocess within the urban planning system.


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How to Cite
Marić V, Kavran Z, Kovačević D. Traffic and Planning Aspects of Public Urban Transport. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.6];16(3):145-9. Available from:
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