Traffic and Technological Parameters of the Gradec- Sveti !van Zabno Railway Line

  • Antun Stipetić
  • Dragan Badanjak
  • Adolf Malić
Keywords: Railway tracks, parameter, transport technology


The paper studies the possibility of constntction of a newrailway track section from the existing stop Gradec on the railwayline Zagreb - Koprivnica to the railway station Sveti !vanZabno on the railway line Kriievci - Bjelovar, thus improvingthe importance of the Bjelovar region and shortening the routeto Osijek by 16.5 km.


Krec, S., Desselbrunner, D.: Studija povezivanja Bjelovara

i eljeznickorn pntgom na mreiu Hrvatskih ieljeznica ,

Zagreb, 1990.

Nova ieljeznicka pntga Gradec -Sveti !van Zabno (idejni

projekt i prometno-tehnolosko rjdenje), Zeljeznicko

projektno drustvo, Zagreb, 1993.

How to Cite
Stipetić A, Badanjak D, Malić A. Traffic and Technological Parameters of the Gradec- Sveti !van Zabno Railway Line. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.19];11(1):37-0. Available from:
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