Transportne tehnologije u funkciji prilagođavanja JŽ uvjetima EZ

  • Dragan Badanjak


The author deals with the scope of freight transport and its structure on the Yugoslav Railways as well as the reported transit volumes for the period of 1985-1988. The paper then furnishes data on palletization and containerization on the Yugoslav Railways in conjunction with piggy-back transport on European and particularly Austrian Railways, with reference to the information on the Munich-Ljubljana route transport volumes. The author provides recommendations of the Yugoslav Railways into the international system of piggy -back transport.

How to Cite
Badanjak D. Transportne tehnologije u funkciji prilagođavanja JŽ uvjetima EZ. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.9];2(5-6):359-62. Available from:
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