Organizational and Managerial Structures, Financing and Other Elements of the Port System of Slovenia

  • Milojka Počuča
Keywords: port system of the Republic of Slovenia, organizational, ownership and managerial structures of the port of Koper, indications of change


The article gives a presentation of the port system of theRepublicof Slovenia and of the organizational, ownership andmanagerial structure of Slovenia's only cargo port in Koper.The analysis of the organizational, ownership and managerialstructure was carried out according to the methodology appliedin the European project entitled 'Commission Staff WorkingProject on Public Financing and Charging Practices in theCommunity Sea Port Sector'. The article performs a compara·tive analysis of the port of Koper with other ports of the EU inthe domain of organization, ownership and management, publicfinancing, accountancy monitoring of public money investedin the port infrastructure, principles of cost recovery ofinvested capital and possibilities of access of port operators tothe port infrastructure of the Slovenian cargo port. The articlepoints to the possibilities of ownership and managementchanges in the port of Koper.


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How to Cite
Počuča M. Organizational and Managerial Structures, Financing and Other Elements of the Port System of Slovenia. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];19(1):29-7. Available from:
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