Proposition for Research Activities in the Area of Maritime Transport in the Republic of Slovenia

  • Milojka Počuča


The paper shows the maritime system of the Republic ofSlovenia and its weakpoints, mainly as a result of the transitionand gaining of independence. The second heading describes researchactivities in the area of the maritime system of the Republicof Slovenia during the period from 1992 to 1995. Thethird heading gives a brief review of the EU maritime policy anddescription of Research & Development projects that are intendedas guidelines of the EU maritime policy. In conclusion,the author presents a proposal of the themes and procedures ofscientific research projects in the area of maritime activities ofthe Republic of Slovenia.


Izhodisca pomorske politike Republike Slovenije -

priloga, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, Portoroz,

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Republika Slovenija - Ministarstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, Porocilo o delu za leto 1992, Ljubljana, 1993.

Republika Slovenija - Ministarstvo za znanost in tehnologijo,

Porocilo o delu za leto 1993, Ljubljana, 1994.

Republika Slovenija - Ministarstvo za znanost in tehnologijo,

Porocilo o delu za leto 1994, Ljubljana, 1995,

ISSN 1318-004

Republika Slovenija - Ministarstvo za znanost in tehnologijo,

Porocilo o financiranju raziskovalne dejavnosti

iz proracuna RS v letu 1995, Ljubljana, 1996,

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Structure, organisation and management of the maritime

sector, APAS-DG VII-4, (1994)

Commission of the European Communities, Directorate

General For Transport VIl-E, Development of

Transport Policy Research & Development, Transport

RTD, Work Programme, Waterborne Transport,

Additional Information Third Call, doe.

TRCNI/013 .re3/96, December 1996

Ministarstvo za promet in zveze, Prometna politika

Republike Slovenije- koncni nacrt, June 1997

How to Cite
Počuča M. Proposition for Research Activities in the Area of Maritime Transport in the Republic of Slovenia. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];10(1-2):39-0. Available from:
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