Logistic centres in the Hungarian traffic network -A Current Smvey

  • Geza Schubert
Keywords: logistics, logistic service centre, transhipment, freight traffic, Hungary


As Europe's economic integration proceeds, Hungary- situatedin the continent's geometric centre - is called upon to accommodatea huge volume of transit traffic. Congestion on thecountry's highways, already a serious problem, makes it desirableto shift transit freight traffic onto railways. For this purpose,and also to make transportation generally more efficient,the so-called logistic service centres are being established. Theseare expected to play a decisive role in the European freight trafficnetwork. An expeditious extension of their services is urgentlyneeded.


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How to Cite
Schubert G. Logistic centres in the Hungarian traffic network -A Current Smvey. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];15(4):233-9. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/889
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