Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)

  • Biljana Juričić
  • Tino Bucak
  • Ivana Francetić
Keywords: ADS, ADS-B, CNS, ATM, FANS


The function, working principle, the principles of usage andthe advantages of modern Automatic Dependent Surveillancesystem (ADS). The functions of the mentioned system aremanifold and its primary function is to enable the automaticexchange of various data between air traffic control units withthe aim of maintaining the safe separation of aircraft. Datasuch as call sign, aircraft position, time, altitude, vector information,speed, meteo information etc. can be fonvarded periodicallyor on request, and are received automatically in theaircraft via flight management computer (FMC). Also, theoverview of the possible communication systems which enablethe usage of ADS is given, with special emphasis on ADS aspart of further global development of navigation and air trafficsafety system, which was approved by the International CivilAviation Organisation (JCAO). Finally, a new, improved versionof Automatic Dependent Swveillance, ADS- B (Broadcast)is briefly outlined, a version which enables omni-directionalemission of addressed infonnation.


(1] Gaiotti Jr., W.P.: The Future Air Navigation System

(FANS), Ashgate Publishing Company, Brookfield,

USA, 1997

(2] CIRCULAR 226- AN/135, ICAO, Montreal, Canada,

(3] CAD Katalog, ICAO, Montreal, 2000

(4] Teachware on Radio and Navigation Aids, Eurocontrol,

Luxembourg, 1998

(5] Data Link in Practice, Avionics Magazine, Potomac,

USA, March 1998, Vol. 22, No. 3

(6] ADS - B: North to A laska, Avionics Magazine, Potomac,

USA, February 2000, Vol. 24, No.2

(7] Internet site: Automatic Dependent Swveillance,

Internet site: Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast, ink/navsur/adsb.


How to Cite
Juričić B, Bucak T, Francetić I. Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS). Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.10];14(3):111-5. Available from:
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