Zagreb Terminal Airspace Capacity Analysis

  • Biljana Juričić
  • Ružica Škurla Babić
  • Ivana Francetić


The paper deals with the Zagreb Terminal Airspace capacity. The basic scenario has been modelled using the RAMSPlus simulator and capacity has been calculated by using the WMSE method which takes into account the peak-hour workload based on air traffic controllers’ tasks. The problem of traffic congestion has been analyzed and several case study scenarios have been simulated. The conducted simulations have demonstrated that in the conditions of increased traffic loads (traffic demand amounting to 6% annually) the working technology and the airspace organization of Zagreb Terminal Airspace will become a restricting factor at peak-hour workloads. The new technologies in Zagreb Terminal Airspace (P-RNAV routes and airspace sectorization) will enable the reduction in air-traffic controller’s workload regarding radar vectoring, radio-telephony and coordination tasks. This should increase the airspace capacity and thus enhance the safety and orderly flow of air traffic. KEY WORDS: terminal airspace, capacity, simulation, workload, task, sectorization
How to Cite
Juričić B, Škurla Babić R, Francetić I. Zagreb Terminal Airspace Capacity Analysis. Promet [Internet]. 2012Jan.26 [cited 2025Mar.10];23(5):367-75. Available from: