Ekološki kriteriji eksploatacije zrakoplova

  • Sanja Steiner
  • Borivoj Galović
  • Stanislav Pavlin


Respecting the requirements for preservation and protectionof the environment, the present day is marked by implementation of legislative regulations in order to reduce the adverseeffects of transport vehicles.The increasingly strict eco-regulations in air traffic areaimed at reducing the aircraft engine emissions and gradualelimination of noise producing aircraft.Apart from the USA, operational restrictions have been announcedalso by other ICAO members, such as the ECACcountries, Australia, Japan and New Zealand.In spite of a good geo-traffic position and the tendency ofintegration into the European and world traffic routes, Croatiahas found itself, due to the process of gaining independence,defending its vital national interests and organization of civilaircraft authorities, lagging behind with the implementation ofthe present international regulations regarding environmentalprotection criteria in aircraft operations.


Environmental Protection, Annex 16 - Aircraft Noise.

ICAO, Montreal, 1993.

Environmental Protection, Annex 16 - Aircraft Engine

Emissions. ICAO, Montreal, 1993.

ICAO Journal, 49, 1994, I, p. 10-12.

ICAO Journal, 49, 1994,2, p. 9-11.

ICAO Journal, 49, 1994, 7, p. 56-58.

ICAO Journal, 50, 1995, 1, p. 6-8.

ICAO Journal, 50, 1995, 2, p. 18-19.

Memorandum on ICAO. ICAO, Montreal, 1994, p. 25-26.

ICAO Circular 218-AT/86. ICAO, Montreal, 1986, p. 14-

Right International, 139, 1991, 4248, p. 25-26.

Right International, 150, 1996, 4537, p. 50-53.

How to Cite
Steiner S, Galović B, Pavlin S. Ekološki kriteriji eksploatacije zrakoplova. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];8(4-5):147-51. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/832
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