Call Centre- Computer Telephone Integration

  • Dražen Kovačević
  • Arijana Macura
  • Branko Maković


Call centre largely came into being as a result of consumerneeds converging with enabling technology- and by the companiesrecognising the revenue opportunities generated by meetingthose needs thereby increasing customer satisfaction. Regardlessof the specific application or activity of a Call centre, customersatisfaction with the interaction is critical to the revenuegenerated or protected by the Call centre. Physical(v, Call centreset up is a place that includes computer, telephone and supervisorstation. Call centre can be available 24 hours a day - whenthe customer wants to make a purchase, needs information, orsimply wishes to register a complaint.


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How to Cite
Kovačević D, Macura A, Maković B. Call Centre- Computer Telephone Integration. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];10(5-6):279-85. Available from:
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