Computer Assisted Telephone Applications

  • Dražen Kovačević
  • Arijana Macura
  • Branko Maković
Keywords: computers, telephone applications, data transfer services, information exchange, networks


Computer resources represent a significant factor in the developmentof a society. Their distribution to users' locationsand direct connections through telecommunication systemssubstantially increase their significance and role.Modem telecommunication systems are integral systemsfor voice and data transmission. This paper studies data transferfrom the technical, technological and organisational aspect.Due to the wide scope of the topic, only some relevant data arementioned that dete1mine the characteristics of certain datatransfer systems.


(1] Documents for application system standard Ericsson

ASB 501, 1998.

(2] M. Mikula: Planiranje telekomunikacijskih mreia, Fakultet

prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, 1996.

(3] Komutacijski sustav MDllO i p1ijenos podataka, NT

Revija- Nikola Tesla, broj 2, Zagreb 1995.

(4] Modemi i njihova primjena, NT Revija- Nikola Tesla,

broj 3, Zagreb 1995.

How to Cite
Kovačević D, Macura A, Maković B. Computer Assisted Telephone Applications. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];11(5):287-92. Available from:
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