Critical Review of freight Transport Demand Models

  • Marco Mazzarino


The importance of freight transport for today's society neednot be underlined. Yet, rather few attempts have been made inorder to model freight transport demand in a quite 'original'and appropriate way, especially if the literature on freight transportis compared with lhe huge amount of works done on passengertransport.The aim of lhe paper is twofold: firs/, a seleclive survey isconducted on the issue of freighttransporl demand modelling,also from an 'evolutionary' standpoint; second, such a body ofliterature is arranged in order to provide an original classificationof available models.


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How to Cite
Mazzarino M. Critical Review of freight Transport Demand Models. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];10(5-6):203-1. Available from:
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