Contribution to the Development of the Model of Managing Reambulation in Ports

  • Josip Kasum
  • Zvonko Gržetić
  • Eli Marušić
Keywords: ports, infonnation, reambulation


Maritime safety infonnation1 are also presented in the infonnationcontent of marine charts and navigational publications.From the navigation safety point it is important that duringnavigation ships are aware of all maritime safety infonnationimportant for navigation in ports they are intending to use.Infonnation content of marine charts and navigational publicationsshow the real situation. The real situation is partiallydynamic and changing. In order to monitor the changes hydrographicorganizations collect data about them. The data arecollected by hydrographic survey2 and by reambulation3•Ports are classified in a special category of hydrographicsurvey4• Therefore, applying new methods and technologies inthe development of the system of managing reambulation inports is proposed. In order to develop such a system furtheranalysis is made of'- data to be collected,- necessary technical and technological equipment, and- planned activities of hydrographic organisations.


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How to Cite
Kasum J, Gržetić Z, Marušić E. Contribution to the Development of the Model of Managing Reambulation in Ports. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];18(3):223-8. Available from:
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