Multi-Criteria Optimisation of the Pan-European Corridor V 8 Competitiveness

  • Tanja Poletan Jugović
  • Hrvoje Baričević
  • Barbara Karleuša
Keywords: Pan-European corridor VB> multi-criteria optimisation, PROMETHEE method


Since possibilities of the traffic route valorisation need to beanalyzed within market conditions, the traffic service of Pan-European corridor V8 which is the subject of research in thispaper, is analyzed from the viewpoint of the offer, demand andcompetitive su'oundings. Corridor VB> as vital transit route ofthe Republic of Croatia, is analyzed with an all-inclusive evaluationof selected economic and qualitative criteria relevant forthe analysis of the traffic service competition. The suggestedmodel for optimising the Pan-European corridor V8 competitivenessis justified in keeping with method principles of multi-criteria optimisation. Among many different processes of multi-criteria optimisation, in the research PROMETHEE methodand computer program Promcalc & Gaia V3.2., which isbased on the mentioned method, were used.


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How to Cite
Poletan Jugović T, Baričević H, Karleuša B. Multi-Criteria Optimisation of the Pan-European Corridor V 8 Competitiveness. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];18(3):185-9. Available from:
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