Promet i invalidi - anketno ispitivanje na primjeru Zagreba

  • Zlatko Hinšt


The paper deals with the results obtained from a survey of traffic-and-handicapped-persons relationship mounted in Zagreb in the spring of 1991. The poll involved 305 examinees - respondents with different degree for handicap and other features whose impact on the answers provided by the respondents was of particular interest to the examiners. The responses given refer us to the disappointment expressed about the attitude of the community towards handicapped persons and the existing level of accommodation of solutions in traffic to the needs of handicapped persons, and the controversial issue of access and availability of public transit/facilities. The respondents have also provided objections and suggestions for the resolution of their problems. A crucial role in the process of forming of attitudes and their articulation refers to the way of living and aspect of handicap.

How to Cite
Hinšt Z. Promet i invalidi - anketno ispitivanje na primjeru Zagreba. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];6(1-2):31-6. Available from:
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