Konekcionizam u modeliranju prometnih informacijskih sustava

  • Hrvoje Gold


Connectionism represents a possible approach to the resolution of the issues of insufficiently described traffic systems. The system for keeping records on transport capacities of the fleet has been structured by a system of processing units. The output of an individual unit has been determined by the number of products of multiplication of the incidence of input attributes and the strength of their association links. The proposed model has been implemented for vehicles of the fleet described with eight groups (classes) of information. Verification of the application of the connectionism model within the scope of expedite monitoring (follow-up} of performance of transportation means has been completed in an effort of searching for the characteristics of the vehicle according to the data from the records (register) on individual vehicles, identification of the vehicle according to an insufficient description of its characteristics and in cases of spontaneous generalization of characteristics of a vehicle.


D. E. RUMELHART, J. L. MoCLELLAND: POP Research Group. Parallel Oistributed Proccesing. Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition. Volume 1: Foundations. MIT Pres Bradford Books, 1986.

H. GOLD, J. I(OVAć-STRJKO, S. SKOK, l. ŽUPANOVIĆ: Elementi racionalizacije procesa pružanja specifičnih transportnih usluga. l. metodološki pristup, Zagreb, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, 1985.

D. E. RUMELHART, J. L. McCLELLAND: POP Research Group. Parallel Oistributed Proccesing. A. Handbook of Models, Programs and Exercises. MIT Press/Bradford Books, 1988.

How to Cite
Gold H. Konekcionizam u modeliranju prometnih informacijskih sustava. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];3(1):21-5. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/423
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