Sigurnost cestovnog prometa u Jugoslaviji i drugim evropskim državama

  • Blagota Radović


In its first part this paper deals with thereview of road traffic safety level fluctuationsin Yugoslavia and the R of Slovenia in the periodof the year 1970-1987.In its second part the paper provides acomparative analysis of some basic indices ofthe level of road traffic safety in Yugoslaviaand other Europeand countries in the year 1987.


World Road Statistics 1983-1987. IRF Edition 1988.

Statistical Report on Road Accidents in 1985. ECEMT. 1988.

How to Cite
Radović B. Sigurnost cestovnog prometa u Jugoslaviji i drugim evropskim državama. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.11];2(1-2):1-. Available from:
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