Relationships Between External Factors and Pedestrian Accident Blackspots – A Case Study of the City of Zagreb

  • Mario Ćosić
  • Ljupko Šimunović
  • Marijan Jakovljević
Keywords: pedestrian accident, accident blackspot, external factor, association test, contingency table


Traffic accidents represent a social, health and political challenge in every country. Urban environments are characterized by intense traffic flows on the network, where different conditions resulting in interactions between motorised and non-motorised transport constantly occur, potentially increasing the risk of accidents. Although road accidents are considered as random events in space and time, a highly detailed analysis may establish correlations between road accidents and external factors (road infrastructure, traffic conditions, weather conditions, land use). This paper considers the impact of external factors on road accidents involving pedestrians in the City of Zagreb, which required an analysis of accident blackspots. The research conducted in this paper puts an emphasis on relations between external factors and accident blackspots involving pedestrians. The results can be used in planning pedestrian infrastructure and improving road safety.


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How to Cite
Ćosić M, Šimunović L, Jakovljević M. Relationships Between External Factors and Pedestrian Accident Blackspots – A Case Study of the City of Zagreb. Promet [Internet]. 2019Jun.13 [cited 2025Mar.11];31(3):329-40. Available from: