Estimation of Origin-Destination Trip Matrices for Small Cities

  • Luka Novačko Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
  • Ljupko Šimunović Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
  • Davor Krasić Institute for tourism, Zagreb
Keywords: traffic model, origin-destination (OD) trip matrix, traffic count, fuzzy logic


This paper presents a model of data assessment for the requirements of a classical four-step model of traffic demand in individual traffic in small cities. The procedure is carried out by creating an initial origin-destination trip matrix using data from the traffic count and by defining the average rate of trip generation within single households. The research applied fuzzy logic for the correction of the initial trip matrix. The paper also presents the recommendations for defining the borders of traffic zones, as well as the locations of traffic counts. A flowchart has been used to show a summarized presentation of the proposed model. In the last part of the paper the model was tested on an example of a smaller city in the Republic of Croatia.

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Luka Novačko, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
Ljupko Šimunović, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
Davor Krasić, Institute for tourism, Zagreb


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How to Cite
Novačko L, Šimunović L, Krasić D. Estimation of Origin-Destination Trip Matrices for Small Cities. Promet [Internet]. 2014Oct.31 [cited 2025Feb.11];26(5):419-28. Available from: