Understanding Taxi Drivers’ Multi-day Cruising Patterns

  • Fang Zong Jilin University
  • Xiao Sun Jilin University
  • Huiyong Zhang Jilin University
  • Xiumei Zhu Jilin University
  • Wentian Qi Suzhou Institute of Construction and Communications
Keywords: taxi, multi-day, cruising pattern, GPS,


This study investigates taxi drivers’ multi-day cruising behaviours with GPS data collected in Shenzhen, China. By calculating the inter-daily variability of taxi drivers’ cruising behaviours, the multi-day cruising patterns are investigated. The impacts of learning feature and habitual feature on multi-day cruising behaviours are determined. The results prove that there is variability among taxis’ day-to-day cruising behaviours, and the day-of-week pattern is that taxi drivers tend to cruise a larger area on Friday, and a rather focused area on Monday. The findings also indicate that the impacts of learning feature and habitual feature are more obvious between weekend days than among weekdays. Moreover, learning feature between two sequent weeks is found to be greater than that within one week, while the habitual feature shows recession over time. By revealing taxis' day-to-day cruising pattern and the factors influencing it, the study results provide us with crucial information in predicting taxis' multi-day cruising locations, which can be applied to simulate taxis' multi-day cruising behaviour as well as to determine the traffic volume derived from taxis' cruising behaviour. This can help us in planning of transportation facilities, such as stop stations or parking lots for taxis. Moreover, the findings can be also employed in predicting taxis' adjustments of multi-day cruising locations under the impact of traffic management strategies.

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Fang Zong, Jilin University
Dr. Zong Fang, Associate Professor, College of Transportation, Jilin University
Xiao Sun, Jilin University
Prof. Xiao Sun, Applied Technology College, Jilin University
Huiyong Zhang, Jilin University
Dr. Huiyong Zhang, School of Management, Jilin University
Xiumei Zhu, Jilin University
Prof. Xiumei Zhu, School of Management, Jilin University
Wentian Qi, Suzhou Institute of Construction and Communications
MS. Wentian Qi, Suzhou Institute of Construction and Communications


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How to Cite
Zong F, Sun X, Zhang H, Zhu X, Qi W. Understanding Taxi Drivers’ Multi-day Cruising Patterns. Promet [Internet]. 2015Dec.17 [cited 2025Feb.22];27(6):467-76. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1641

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