Location of Urban Logistic Terminals as Hub Location Problem

  • Jasmina Pašagić Škrinjar
  • Kristijan Rogić
  • Ratko Stanković
Keywords: city logistics, hub location problems


In this paper the problems of locating urban logistic terminals are studied as hub location problems that due to a large number of potential nodes in big cities belong to hard non-polynomial problems, the so-called NP-problems. The hub location problems have found wide application in physical planning of transport and telecommunication systems, especially systems of fast delivery, networks of logistic and distribution centres and cargo traffic terminals of the big cities, etc. The paper defines single and multiple allocations and studies the numerical examples. The capacitated single allocation hub location problems have been studied, with the provision of a mathematical model of selecting the location for the hubs on the network. The paper also presents the differences in the possibilities of implementing the exact and heuristic methods to solve the actual location problems of big dimensions i.e. hub problems of the big cities.


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How to Cite
Pašagić Škrinjar J, Rogić K, Stanković R. Location of Urban Logistic Terminals as Hub Location Problem. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.9];24(5):433-40. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1179

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