Ergonomic System Analysis of Road Transportation

  • Jurij Kolenc
  • Kristi M. Bombol
Keywords: ergonomics, human, vehicles, roads, environment


The paper presents decomposition analysis of road transpOI·tation system using the ergonomic system ana~vsis. Theanalysis is performed by its 'Man-Vehicle', 'Man-Road' and'Man-Operation' subsystems treated as systems with their ownsubsystems.Since the ergonomic factors within road transportation systemwith its subsystems or elements are very complex and comprehensive,only the implications of the 'Driver-Vehicle' systemare analysed.


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How to Cite
Kolenc J, Bombol KM. Ergonomic System Analysis of Road Transportation. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.12];11(1):33-6. Available from:
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