Analyzing the Effect of Passenger-Requested Unscheduled Stops on Demand

  • Dejan Paliska
  • Jurij Kolenc
Keywords: public transit, reliability measures, statistical models, unscheduled stops


This paper discusses the effect of unscheduled stops requestedby passengers on bus transit demand and presents theresults of its study. In the research a set of regression modelsthat estimate the route-level demand were developed using datacollected with Automatic Passenger Counters and AutomaticVehicle Location systems installed on buses, and demographic,socio-economic and land use information from other sources.The results obtained indicate that the number of rider-requestedunscheduled stops have no significant effect on demand,suggesting that the company policy which tolerates unscheduledstops is inadequate for attracting new riders.


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How to Cite
Paliska D, Kolenc J. Analyzing the Effect of Passenger-Requested Unscheduled Stops on Demand. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.9];19(4):213-20. Available from:
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