Managing Logistic Chains on the Adriatic- Baltic Route

  • Igor Jakomin
  • Valerija Pučko
Keywords: Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea, A-B landbridge, Koper, Gdynia, railway transport, logistics


Due to today's globalization and driven needs of the competitivefreight transport, as a result of the opening of new markets,the necessity for the introduction of a completely new service,such as a special container train from Koper to Gdynia,may arise unexpectedly. The adaptability of the railway operatorsto the needs of the customer, i. e. the user of the transportservice, must be available. The core of the problem of the introductionof such a new service lies mainly in the confrontationbetween the needs and requirements of the users of the transportationservices and their capabilities.


The price in EUR was obtained from the conversion of

USD by the official currency issued by the Bank of

Slovenia on the date of 21st ofSeptember2007. The currency

is 1,4009 USD for 1 euro.

The price in euro was obtained from the conversion of

USD by the official currency issued by the Bank of

Slovenia on the date of 21st of September 2007. The currency

is 1,4009 USD for 1 euro.

In this calculation we took into consideration the proposed

route with a stop at the inland hub in Vienna. If we

take the direct port-to-port connection, the price is 15.63

euro lower.


The same is for the opposite way from Gdynia to Singapore.

The same is for the opposite way from Gdynia to Koper

and from Koper to Singapore.

How to Cite
Jakomin I, Pučko V. Managing Logistic Chains on the Adriatic- Baltic Route. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.9];20(6):369-76. Available from:
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