Development of Regional Transport Logistics Terminal- Transport Logistics Approach

  • Peter Jenček
  • Elen Twrdy
Keywords: intermodal transport, intermodal logistic terminal, transport logistics analysis, regional terminal development


Reaching decisions in the process of establishment and operationof a regional transport logistics terminal performingintermodal transport and related activities should be based onthe results of preliminary analysis. The selection of the appropriatelocation for the regional transport logistics terminal is ofcrucial importance as it affects directly and/or indirectly the initialfinancial investment, environmental and spatial issues aswell as terminal operating costs and commercial sustainability.In the decision-making process regarding the location ofintermodal terminals or with regard to building of a new regionalintermodal terminal at a specific location a thoroughtransport logistics analysis should be performed. The paperpresents the methodology developed for transport logisticsanalysis of regional intermodal transport logistics terminals,based on the sets of parameters, criteria and indicators whichenable the determination of the overall performance index for aparticular terminal location.


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How to Cite
Jenček P, Twrdy E. Development of Regional Transport Logistics Terminal- Transport Logistics Approach. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];20(4):239-4. Available from:
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