Impact of Globalization on Development of Modern Container Terminals

  • Livij Jakomin
  • Bojan Beškovnik
Keywords: market globalization, container tenninals, new handling technologies


This article presents influence of globalization and containertraffic growth on the development of modem and sophisticatedcontainer tenninals. Due to the fast growing rate of theglobal container trade, every major port is under the pressure ofmeeting the projected capacity demand. An increasing size ofcontainer ships requires improving the port's ground handlingand distribution systems. An increase in the efficiency of thosesystems is mandatory to achieve further reduction of tenninaloperating costs on the one hand and to ensure sufficiently shortlay time for the ships in port on the other.


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How to Cite
Jakomin L, Beškovnik B. Impact of Globalization on Development of Modern Container Terminals. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.7];17(4):225-30. Available from:
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