Contribution to Accident Prediction Models Development for Rural Two-Lane Roads in Serbia

  • Draženko Glavić University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
  • Miloš Mladenović Aalto University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Aleksandar Stevanovic Florida Atlantic University
  • Vladan Tubić University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
  • Marina Milenković University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
  • Marijo Vidas University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Keywords: road accident modelling, traffic safety, traffic characteristics, road characteristics, regression analysis,


Over the last three decades numerous research efforts have been conducted worldwide to determine the relationship between traffic accidents and traffic and road characteristics. So far, the mentioned studies have not been carried out in Serbia and in the region. This paper represents one of the first attempts to develop accident prediction models in Serbia. The paper provides a comprehensive literature review, describes procedures for collection and analysis of the traffic accident data, as well as the methodology used to develop the accident prediction models. The paper presents models obtained by both univariate and multivariate regression analyses. The obtained results are compared to the results of other studies and comparisons are discussed. Finally, the paper presents conclusions and important points for future research. The results of this research can find theoretical as well as practical application.

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Draženko Glavić, University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering

Drazenko Glavic is an assistant professor at the Department for Traffic Engineering at University of Belgrade in Serbia. He is a leading South East Europe expert in transport economy, feasibility studies, and traffic analysis, with 18 years of experience and over 120 studies.

Miloš Mladenović, Aalto University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Milos N. Mladenovic is an assistant professor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Aalto University in Finland. His research areas include transportation infrastructure management, decision-making and decision-support systems, transportation planning, and sustainable transportation systems.

Aleksandar Stevanovic, Florida Atlantic University
Aleksandar Stevanovic is an assistant professor of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering at Florida Atlantic University, and a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Utah. His main research areas include traffic operations, intelligent transportation systems, and infrastructure evaluation.
Vladan Tubić, University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Vladan Tubic is an assistant professor at the Department for Traffic Engineering at University of Belgrade in Serbia. His main research areas include traffic analysis, traffic flow theory, traffic safety analysis.
Marina Milenković, University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering

Marina Milenkovic is an teaching assistant at the Department for Traffic Engineering at University of Belgrade in Serbia. Her main research areas include traffic safety analysis and road operation and management.

Marijo Vidas, University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Marijo Vidas is an teaching assistant at the Department for Traffic Engineering at University of Belgrade in Serbia. His main research areas include traffic analysis, traffic flow theory, traffic safety analysis.


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How to Cite
Glavić D, Mladenović M, Stevanovic A, Tubić V, Milenković M, Vidas M. Contribution to Accident Prediction Models Development for Rural Two-Lane Roads in Serbia. Promet [Internet]. 2016Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.14];28(4):415-24. Available from:

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