Measures for Reducing Traffic Congestion in Cities

  • Ivan Dadić
  • Goran Kos
  • Krešimir Poić
  • Emil Gašparac
Keywords: urban transport, traffic rationalisation, urban infrastructure, national income


Traffic planners and designers are daily confronted by theproblems of traffic flow. Finding a solution for the optimal organisationof the traffic system in the wider (at the state level)and the narrower sense (cities, towns), requires accurate planningand adequate financing. With Croatia being a developingcountry that has higher investments into the traffic system, thematerial means need to be rati01~t~lised and the human andland resources cautiously managed. With the development andimplementation of the traffic studies, an improvement of thetraffic in cities can be expected. The work describes the trafficmeasures which provide higher quality traffic flow, with low investments.They can be used as guidelines in planning the trafficand as the first implementations of solutions from the trafficstudies.


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How to Cite
Dadić I, Kos G, Poić K, Gašparac E. Measures for Reducing Traffic Congestion in Cities. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.6];11(1):15-9. Available from:
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