Specific Features of Transport Market Characterising the Interrelation of Logistics, Global Distribution and Traffic

  • Teodor Perić
  • Marinko Jurčević
  • Žarko Šantić
Keywords: transport market, logistics, global distribution, competitivness, IT


If we acknowledge the role of traffic as active leaderof the sustainable economy development, then we certainlyhave to analyse the environment in which the traffic exists asa system, and therefore we have to foresee its limits which aredetermined by the specifics of the traffic system. Representingthe circulation system of economy, traffic has to eavesdrop onthe demands of the market, and has to be transformed andmodernised. The experience gained by working on the projectsand the studies related to business organisation resulted inthe conclusion that the requirements related to logistics inthe nineties were significantly greater than had been thecommon target until then -reduction of costs. In order to adjustcompletely to the market demands, with the help of advancedinformation technology, the companies apply logisticsas tools of competitiveness on the market. Extraordinmyachievements of IT, using of virtual reality enable businesspeople to communicate and contract businesses without beingphysically present. What is it that makes some companies moresuccessful than others? It is obviously a question of the advantagesof distribution realisation due to the fact that nowadayspurchase and selling are run globally in the world. The distributionof products at the right time, to the right place, at a pricewhich is favourable both to the seller and the buyer, in the rightmanner and in the appropriate quantity in the marketing senseis the prerequisite for the business success as element of businesslogistics. The development of this tool must be basedon the monitoring of the needs for the logistics managementand the tactical adaptability of the company. The solution oflogistics management of business processes must satisfy thecurrent and future customers' requirements in order to be competitive.


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How to Cite
Perić T, Jurčević M, Šantić Žarko. Specific Features of Transport Market Characterising the Interrelation of Logistics, Global Distribution and Traffic. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];14(6):295-02. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1031
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