The Problem of Mini-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Non-Segregated Flight Operations

  • Tone Magister
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Non-Segregated Flight Operations, Sense-and-Avoid


The paper first illustrates the future civil application opportunitiesfor unmanned aerial vehicles and their unique operationalcapabilities. The expectations of the main stakeholdersare summarized and the main concerns and problem areas ofnon-segregated civil unmanned aerial vehicles flight operationsare identified considering relevant aviation regulatory aspects.The key technologies necessary for a safe unmanned aerial vehiclesoperation are explained. The intention of the paper is tocontribute to finding the optimal approach to the developmentstrategies and safe solution for the integration of today 's and futurecivil unmanned aerial vehicles into the non-segregated airspace.


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How to Cite
Magister T. The Problem of Mini-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Non-Segregated Flight Operations. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];19(6):381-6. Available from:
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