Training of Drivers in the Function of Road Traffic Safety

  • Sinan Alispahić
  • Željko Antunović
  • Erkrem Bećirović
Keywords: advanced training, young drivers, hazardous situations, driver experience, road traffic safety


The problem of the participation of young drivers in trafficaccidents is constantly present and represents a significant socialproblem. In complex and dynamic conditions of moderntraffic flows, the young drivers are exposed to various and unforeseenhazard situations and events which they had not experiencedduring the basic training. Therefore, they should be providedwith the possibility of acquiring additional experiences insolving typical hazard situations in traffic. This is possible bythe system of advanced training which places the course participantin the situation of facing possible hazards, with the aim ofincreasing the awareness of risk in driving and behaviour at thesteering wheel. Advanced driver training is based on the specificprogram and training the drivers to acquire additional experiencesin solving dangerous traffic situations.


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How to Cite
Alispahić S, Antunović Željko, Bećirović E. Training of Drivers in the Function of Road Traffic Safety. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.9];19(5):323-7. Available from:
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